When choosing a basin

 Different type of basins

Pedestal basins: these are freestanding basins that sit on top of a pedestal, which raises the basin off the floor and provides support.

Wall-mounted basins: these are basins that are mounted directly onto the wall, without the need for a pedestal or vanity unit.

Countertop basins: these are basins that sit on top of a counter or vanity unit.

Undermount basins: these are basins that are installed underneath a counter or vanity unit, with only the rim of the basin visible.

Semi-recessed basins: these are basins that are partly installed into a counter or vanity unit, with some of the basin visible above the surface.

Vessel basins: these are basins that sit on top of a counter or vanity unit, but are not integrated into the unit. They are freestanding and can be made of glass, ceramic, or other materials.

Corner basins: these are basins that are designed to fit into the corner of a bathroom, to save space.

Different type of basin materials

Ceramic: one of the most popular and traditional materials, ceramic basins are durable, easy to clean, and come in a wide range of styles and colors.

Porcelain: similar to ceramic, porcelain is a type of ceramic that is fired at a higher temperature and is more resistant to staining and chipping.

Glass: Glass basins are becoming more popular, they are easy to clean, they can be made in different colors, shapes and sizes.

Stone: Stone basins are made of natural materials like granite, marble, or limestone and are known for their durability and unique patterns and colors.

Acrylic: Acrylic basins are lightweight, easy to clean and can be molded into a variety of shapes and sizes.

Stainless steel: Stainless steel basins are resistant to heat, rust and stains, and are easy to clean.

Copper: Copper basins are handcrafted, They are resistant to bacteria and have a natural patina that develops over time.

It's important to consider the material of the basin when choosing one for your bathroom as it will affect the durability, maintenance and overall aesthetic of the basin.